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7 things that happen when you quit sugar (they’re not what you expect)

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 2 August 2016 | 16:26

Have you been considering quitting – or at least cutting down on – sugar? Maybe all the cookies, cakes and chocolate aren’t making you feel so good? 

With numerous studies coming out in favour of quitting sugar, it’s no surprise. Reducing the sweet stuff is link to everything from a stronger immune system, to reduced likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes and even a lower risk of cancer.

But did you know there are a heap of hidden benefits from quitting sugar too? Here are a few unexpected ones experienced by members of our I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program. We think there’s a couple that might surprise you!

1. Your energy levels will increase.

As any mother of a toddler climbing the wall after consuming a packet of lollies will attest, sugar can lead to hyperactivity (blame the rapid rise of adrenaline). However, ironically, quitting sugar can actually give you more energy. Fuelling your body with sugar-free alternatives will ensure your have the strength and stamina to perform at your peak – without any nasty post-sugar-hit slumps.

2. You might become a nicer person.

True story. That’s because of the established connection between our mood and food. Sugar can lead to anxiety, crankiness and even depression. Cutting it from your diet could transform you into one of those chirpy morning people that bound out of bed and smile as they hit the treadmill at 5am.

3. You can lose weight.

This curve ball surprises many who switch from low-fat to no-sugar diets. “Light” foods are often actually pumped with sugar, which can contribute to weight gain. Many people lose weight (some up to 40 kilograms!) when they quit sugar. That’s because when you eat real whole foods which are higher in fat (such as eggs, full-fat yoghurt and butter) you feel more satiated and avoid blood glucose crashes. It’s true: fat isn’t responsible for making you fat.

4. Your skin will improve.

We’ve got a whole post on this coming up next week: quitting sugar can help with a number of skin conditions, from acne to ageing, by reducing inflammation in the body.  In fact, former 8-Week Programmer Laura Miller reckons that for the first time in her adult like her “skin is completely clear.

5. You’ll learn (and improve) your cooking skills.

Eating real food is at the core of quitting sugar, and this requires you to make meals yourself. But rather than a chore, it’s surprisingly easy to whip up sauces from scratch, grow your own veggies and cook a creative DIY-alternative to your usual frozen dinner. Turns out you’re actually a domestic goddess!

6. You can save money.

Quitting sugar doesn’t have to be expensive. Going back-to-basics usually means your ingredients – and your food budget – goes further. As part of our 8-Week Program we’ll show you a heap of old-school tips and tricks (everything from cooking with your scraps to loving your leftovers) for saving your cents. Expensive superfoods not required.

7. Your willpower will improve.

Sugar has been found to be as addictive as that other white powder. Give it up, and just like a muscle, your willpower to avoid it actually becomes stronger. It’s time to say yes to saying no.

We originally published this article in January 2016. We updated it in August 2016.


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