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The revival of sourdough bread (and 5 other things we owe to hipsters)

Written By Unknown on Monday 26 February 2018 | 19:07

They tend to get a bit of a bad rap, but we might just have hipsters to thank for the re-emergence of a few of our favourite food trends…

While some hipster food trends are ridiculously pretentious, or just downright bad for you, there are some that we can totally get behind (and encourage you to try!).

The rise of sourdough bread…

Did you grow up in the age of Wonder White bread? Most of us here at IQS did! Bleached white bread was totally in back in the day, while more wholesome loaves like sourdough, rye and pumpernickel weren’t nearly as popular because, well, they weren’t considered as tasty. Thankfully, we’ve come to our senses! Authentic sourdough is tangy, delish and good for you. It’s our top pick when it comes to breakfasting and buying bread. In fact, we might even go so far as to say we knead it in our lives.

Super sauerkraut…

Mmm, delicious kraut. While it’s existed for eons, in recent years, hipsters have played their part in bringing it back into the mainstream. The real, fermented stuff now features prominently on cafes menus and you can almost always spot it in the fridge at the grocery store. All hail King Kraut!


Is anyone sensing a trend here? What is it about hipsters and fermentation? We reckon it’s something to do with the old-school, old-world charm that comes with doing things the slow and authentic way. In fact, our fave Kombucha, Remedy, is fermented for three delicious weeks. We’ve even got hipsters to thank for putting ‘buch on tap all around town.

The glut of glass jars…

But not for eating, duh! We love this trend for the very fact that it’s all about repurposing objects and giving them new life. Whether it be for food storage, smoothie toting, bulk shopping or coffee drinking, we dig it. Why not use what we’ve already got?

Soaking and sprouting…

Laugh if you must, but soaking, sprouting and activating your nuts and grains really does make them better for your guts (and by extension, you!) as they’re easier to digest. They’ll cost you an arm and a leg (and maybe even a kidney) at the shops, so we suggest making your own. Our founder and director, Sarah, is a big fan and considers soaking, sprouting and activating one of her best cooking tips.

Local food…

Again, you might roll your eyes at labels like ‘organic’ and ‘local’, but we’re chuffed that it’s becoming more and more common to disclose the origin of our food. So when you see that locally-sourced, grass-fed burger on the menu at your local hipster join, don’t scoff! Local food travels far less to get to your plate (hence, less emissions) and there’s something special about knowing that what you’re eating has been grown, raised or produced nearby.

Have you embraced any of these age-old, hipster-revived trends? Let us know!


About Unknown


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