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Why making less decisions is better for your health

Written By Unknown on Wednesday 24 January 2018 | 10:03

Decision fatigue is a real thing…

Think about it – we’re constantly faced with decisions. From the moment we wake up to the moment our head hits the pillow, we’re forced to make thousands of little decisions, from what we wear to what we eat. Should you wear the red top and black pants today? Or the black top and blue jeans? Did you want extra avo on that sandwich? You get what we mean…

Excessive decision making has been proven to wear down one’s willpower.

As the day goes on – and as you make a plethora of decisions – your willpower decreases and research has shown that there is only so much mental energy you can put towards self-control. Do you find that you start off your day super healthy with a nourishing brekkie, but come the afternoon you’re ready to face plant the biscuit tin?

This is why minimising the number of decisions you make day to day is better for your health…

A simple way to slash the amount of decisions you have to make each day is to decide on a “uniform” to wear to work every day – even if your workplace doesn’t have a specific uniform. Instead of fumbling around in your closet at 7am, still half-asleep, you’ll have taken away the stress of deciding on an outfit.

And, it’s this same principle which makes our 8-Week Program so successful too. While sugar is highly addictive – making it hard to shake – our formula for ditching the sweet stuff has a huge success rate thanks to our nutritionist-developed meal plans. Put simply, we make the decisions for you!

IQS expert + holistic counsellor in Mind-Body Medicine, Carla Thomas, agrees that minimising the amount of daily decisions is important!

“There’s a reason as to why Obama only had two styles of suits that he wore during his presidency and why Mark Zuckerberg sticks to the same jeans and plain tee combo each day. With so many important decisions to make on a daily basis, they understand the importance of not clogging their brain with non-essential decision making that in turn affects the important ones. I like to follow and embrace the mantra ‘Do. Dump. Delegate’. Less is more!”

So, let us make the decisions for you…

When you join our Program, you are given eight-weeks worth of meal plans, so you literally don’t have to think about what you need to cook – that means no more staring into the fridge blankly! We let you clear your mind, and we make the meal choices for you. And, a new round of our 8-Week Program now kicks off every Sunday! So, you can sign up for eight-weeks worth of less decision-making right now.


About Unknown


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