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Foods to make you poop!

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 23 January 2018 | 14:03

At one time or another, we all need a little helping hand to get things, ah, moving along…

While constipation can be caused by a number of reasons, both lifestyle factors and medical issues can slow down your body’s removal of waste. Medically induced constipation is often caused by issues like suffering from a hernia, which can make it more difficult to pass stools, or IBS, which can cause both constipation and diarrhoea. As such, these conditions should always be handled by a medical professional.

On the other hand, lifestyle related constipation – which can be caused by a low-fibre diet, not drinking enough water and a lack of regular exercise – can be helped by consuming certain foods! And no, you don’t have to just gorge on fruit.

Next time you’re feeling a little plugged up, try giving these foods a go…

1. Oats.

These little babies are packed full of fibre so they’re perfect for helping to ease symptoms of constipation. Every cup of oats contains roughly 4 grams of fibre – this is pretty good considering the average adult needs around 20-35 grams of fibre per day. And, oats are super versatile too, so it’s easy to get your fill!

2. Almonds.

We love almonds for their healthy fat content but they’re also packed with fibre, so get munching! Two small handfuls contain around 3.5 grams of fibre. For a little treat, we like to snack on these Bacon + Rosemary Almonds.

3. Broccoli.

While you may not have liked chowing down on this green veggie as a kid, it’s super effective for creating movement at the station! Another fibre-rich food, 1.5 cups of broccoli contains around 3.8 grams of fibre. For a quick and easy broccoli hit, try our Beef + Broccoli Stir Fry.

4. Water.

It sounds simple, but drinking enough water is essential for keeping you regular. Water helps to keep your stool moving through your colon, so if you’re not drinking enough H20, it’ll make this whole process a whole lot more difficult (and uncomfortable!).

5. Flaxseeds.

Considering how tiny these seeds are, they pack a mighty punch. Your body has a bit of a hard time digesting the whole seeds – thanks to their tough outer skin – so ground them down into a powder and add a spoonful to your smoothies or porridge. A tablespoon of ground seeds usually contains around 2 grams of fibre which is a lot for something so tiny!

6. Beans.

Not only are beans packed full of protein and vitamins, but they’re also a great source of fibre – they contain around 6–9 grams per half a cup of beans, depending on the type. Opt for kidney beans, black beans and pinto beans for maximum fibre content. But, be careful as eating too many of these babies can cause some people to experience bloating and discomfort after eating. If you find beans tough to digest, soaking and sprouting them first can help!

7. Popcorn.

While it may seem surprising, popcorn contains a fair whack of fibre for something so little. Three cups of popped popcorn has around 3.6 grams of fibre, which is pretty decent for this snack food. Just don’t douse your popcorn in sugary additions!

8. Raspberries.

We love raspberries, as they’re a low-fructose fruit and packed with fibre. In fact, half a cup of these red berries contain around 4 grams of fibre – that’s huge! Whip up a bunch of our Raspberry Gummies for some gut lovin’ goodness – literally!


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